Warm Penguins is a personal project. The dream is to supply high quality Merino wool bobble hats under a strong brand.
The Warm Penguins identity is finely tuned and aimed to be easily recognisable but not overbearing when placed onto our product. The marketing emails compliment the brand and the colours focus on the brands origin being from the UK.
Upon launch many hats were sold to positive reviews. Keep an eye out for us next winter...
Designed with quality and comfort in mind, these hats needed a brand to suit...
Representing quality and warmth, the Warm Penguins logo was created. The symbol was created to be easily identifiable and used on the bobble hats as a logomark.
A wider brand was created to compliment the logo and bring consistency to the Warm Penguins marketing emails whilst retaining the brand qualities.
Headshots of all products were taken and retouched into a set for use on the website and wider branding.
Created on Shopify, the Warm Penguins website provided information about the product and allowed customers to sign up to the newsletter. The site was responsive and advertised the launch date for the first batch of hats.
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